Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

Due to recent media attention, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome has come to the attention of many that may not be in direct contact. As teachers, we are going to be faced by children who have been physically and cognitively impaired due to alcohol and drug use of the mother while the baby was in utero. But will we know that this child is affected by FAS when we see him or her? Will we know what to do to alter our curriculum to meet this child's needs? This article addresses all of that. The picture below shows the distinguishing features of a young child with FAS.


  1. I found this article to be quite informative. I did not know all the symptoms of FAS. I did not know how it affects child cognitively and socially.

  2. This article is very interesting and informative. I did not realize the impact FAS has on social behaviors, though it does make sense. When communication is poor, social interaction suffers. I also did not realize that at present FAS is the leading cause of mental retardation.
